This was a huge project, learning how to do a publication layout was certianly a challenge but one that with perserverance I managed to get it over the line. This project wasnt just about putting together an exceptional publication layout but it was also about putting together a magazine that highlinghted someone we believed to be an important member of our community.
This publication was about my father, who has done so much for the community but has also had an interesting life that was worthy of being put into story form. My father struggles to talk about himself so I had to set this up as if I dropped the questions into normal conversation. I had my phone on the table and was recording while we spoke over dinner.
My father is very self critical of his work and with that he doesn't believe that any of his work was exceptional even though he has won so many trophies at car shows not just with his own vehicles but customers one as well. Even with all his community work he said all the work completed was ok but nothing flash..
I had such a great time putting all this together as I learnt a few new things about my father, as well as learning how to put together a professional looking publication that would be worthy of being put onto the shelves at a newsagency. You will see throughout these images there was a lot involved to get it to the point of printing.